क्रिमिनल मुकदमों के चलते, डिवोर्स जैसे सिविल मुकदमा को कैसे रोका जाए ?

क्रिमिनल मुकदमों के लंबित होते हुए , डिवोर्स जैसे सिविल मुकदमा को कैसे रोका जाए ? 

हिंदुस्तान में कानूनी आतंकवाद ( #LegalTerrorism ) चरम पर है। महिलाओं के पास 49 से भी ज्यादा कानून है , जिनका वह बेहिचक दुरुपयोग करती आ रही है। देश में 2022 में लगभग चार करोड़ 30 लाख से ज्यादा लंबित मुकदमे हैं। महिलाएं फायदे के लिए या कानूनी फिरौती ( #LegalExtorsion ) के लिए अपने पति से एक मोटी रकम वसूलने के लिए 498A, घरेलू हिंसा ,जमाखर्चे इत्यादि के मुकदमे कर देती हैं, जिसके कारण उनके परिवार मैं वापस जुड़ने की सारी संभावनाएं खत्म हो जाती हैं। 

यह देखने में आया है विवाहिता  व उनके वकील दूसरे पक्ष का डिफेंस जानने के लिए या उन्हें परेशान करने के लिए डिवोर्स के मुकदमे भी डाल देती हैं। ऐसे में पुरुषों के पास एक ही रास्ता रहता है, कि वह इस डिवोर्स मैं एक आवेदन दे, 

" धरा 498A भा. द. वि. के प्रकरण में प्रार्थिया ( Defendant ) के साक्ष पूरे होने तक समबन्ध विच्छेद (तलाक़) के वर्तमान प्रकरण में प्रतिपार्थी को जवाब देने के समय देने का निवेदन "


थोड़ा विस्तार :-

भारत में एक आपराधिक मामले में अधिकांश सभ्य दुनिया में एक आरोपी को भारत के संविधान के अनुच्छेद 20 (3) के तहत चुप्पी के अधिकार की गारंटी दी जाती है। इसका तात्पर्य यह है कि एक आरोपी को कुछ भी बोलने या लिखने के लिए मजबूर नहीं किया जा सकता है, जो संभावित रूप से उसके खिलाफ इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है जबकि सबूत का पूरा बोझ शिकायतकर्ता पर आरोपित के अपराध को स्थापित करने के लिए है। शिकायतकर्ता के साक्ष्य को बंद करने तक अधिकार में ढील दी जाती है, लेकिन आरोपी का जवाब देने का अधिकार कभी समाप्त नहीं होता है। इस प्रकार यहां तक ​​कि जब अभियुक्त से अपेक्षा की जाती है कि वह उसके विरुद्ध परिस्थितियों के बारे में U/S CrPc 313  (जिसे BTW शपथ के अधीन नहीं है और यदि वह झूठ बोलता है तो उस पर झूठी गवाही का मुकदमा नहीं चलाया जा सकता), उसे सवालों के जवाब देने से इनकार करने का अधिकार है और उसकी चुप्पी से कोई प्रतिकूल निष्कर्ष नहीं निकाला जा सकता है। यहां यह ध्यान देने योग्य है कि आरोपी द्वारा U/S CrPc 313 को स्वतंत्र रूप से उसे दोषी ठहराने के लिए इस्तेमाल नहीं किया जा सकता है, इसे अधिक से अधिक पुष्ट साक्ष्य के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है।

ऐसा करना क्यों चाहिए :-

कानूनन अपराधिक मामलों को सिविल मुकदमा से ज्यादा अहमियत दी गई है। सिविल मुकदमों में जुर्माने का प्रावधान होता है, जबकि अपराधिक मामलों में सजा या कारावास का प्रावधान होता है। जिसके चलते इसमें सावधानी बरतनी बहुत आवश्यक होती है। अगर आरोपी अपना पक्ष या साक्ष्य अपराधिक मामलों के निस्तारण से पूर्व, किसी भी सिविल मुकदमों में अपना पक्ष या साक्ष्य उजागर कर देंगे, तो विपक्षी पार्टी इसका दुरुपयोग अपराधिक मामलों में कर सकती है। वह हमारे द्वारा दिए गए सबूतों व् पक्ष को देखते हुए अपनी स्टेटमेंट या सबूतों में बदलाव कर सकते हैं। जिससे अपराधिक मामलों में आरोपियों को सजा मिलना मुमकिन हो सकता है इसलिए बहुत जरूरी है कि हम ऐसे सिविल मुकदमों में अपराधिक मामलों के चलते, अपने साक्ष्य और सबूत दूसरी पार्टी के सामने उजागर ना करें। इसके अन्य लाभ :-

  1.  ऐसा देखने में आया है, ऐसा करने से विपक्षी पर दवाब बनता है। 
  2.  इससे आरोपी के साक्ष्य व् पक्ष विपक्षी के सामने नहीं आते और आपराधिक   मामलो में उनका पक्ष मजबूत होता है।  
  3.  आपराधिक मामले बगैर किसी छल कपट के निपटेंग 
इस एप्लीकेशन को निचे दिए लिंक द्वारा डाउनलोड किया जासकता है। 



                                CASE NO. HMA /xxx/20xx

IN RE: -

SMT. XXXX                            …………PETTITIONER


SH. XXXX                                  …..RESPONDENT

LDOH :- xx/xx/2021                                      NDOH:-xx/xx/2021  




1.   That the above noted matter is pending before this Hon’ble Court for adjudication and is fixed for appearance.

2.   This is to submit that , an FIR xxx/xx was registered at xxx xxx Police station u/s 498A/406/34/377/307/313 dated xx/xx/xxx by Petitioner/wife against  Shri Xxxx  ( Respondent / Husband ) , Smt xxxxxxx  ( Mother of Respondent) , Smt xxxx  ( Married Sister of Respondent) and Sri xxxx  ( Distant relative of Respondent living in xxxx )

3.   This is to submit that, the Criminal trial is pending for adjudication before Hon’ble court of Shri xxxx xxxx xxx , Adj , xxx District Court . The above Criminal case based on the FIR xxx/xxxx by the Petitioner / wife was registered before the present case of Divorce was filed. The above criminal case is pending for adjudication and fixed for charge framing.

4.   This is to submit that, before initiation of court proceedings in this case, on the basis of same allegations the petitioner / wife has filed a case u/s 125 of CrPC before Hon’ble court of Shri xxx xx xxx, Principal Judge, family court, xxx, xxx. In which petitioner/wife and her counsel are not appearing from past many dates.

5.   This is to submit that, the concerned Hon’ble Court has passed an ad-interim order on xx-xx-xxxx whereby concerned Hon’ble Court has directed the Respondent/husband to make payment of Rs. 8,000/- against the ad-interim maintenance to the petitioner from the date of institution of petition.

6.   This is to submit that, with tainted hands and with utter motive to extort ransom money, Petitioner/wife made false, fabricated and misleading statements before the Hon’ble Court of Shri xx xx xx, Principal Judge, family court, xxx, xxx, under Section 165 of Cr.P.C. on xx-xx-2018 and also concealed several material facts in detailed income expenditure affidavit filed by the Petitioner/wife.

7.   This is to submit that, just to expose the criminal mindset of the Petitioner/wife and to restrain her attempts to pollute the stream of justice, Application u/s 340 of CrPC read with several sections was filled by Respondent/husband, which is also pending before the Hon’ble Court of Shri xx xx xx, Principal Judge, family court, xxx xxx for adjudication. The proceeding in above said application is getting delayed because of nonappearance of Petitioner / wife and her council.


8.   This is to submit that, in addition to this, on the basis of same allegations, the petitioner / wife has filed application u/s 12 of Protection of Women from  Domestic violence Act 2005 before Metropolitan Magistrate of North , Rohini Delhi ( Case filling no xxx/xxx ) against  Shri Xxxx  ( Respondent / Husband ) , Smt xxxxx  ( Mother of Respondent ) and Smt xxx  ( Married Sister of Respondent). In which Petitioner / wife and her counsel have not appeared in more than 10 court proceedings for evidence and hence the case was dismissed by default by concerned Hon'ble court on xx/xx/xxxx.

9.   This is to submit that, on basis of cruelties by the petitioner / wife, Mother In-Law of Petitioner has filed application u/s 12 of Protection of Women from  Domestic violence Act 2005 before Metropolitan Magistrate of North , Rohini Delhi ( Case no xxx/xxx ) against Petitioner / wife Mrs xxx xxx /xxxx . In which also Petitioner / wife and her counsel have not appeared and Ex-party proceeding was initiated by Hon'ble court against the Petitioner / wife. Presently application for setting aside ex-party order was moved by Petitioner / wife and that is also pending due to non appearance of Petitioner / wife and her council.

10.                It is humbly submitted that the FIR no. xx/xxxx registered by Petitioner/wife is based on false allegations and concocted stories, which includes false allegations of heinous offence under Section 498a, 406, 377, 307 and 313 of Indian Penal Code. Some of these offences contain the punishment of life imprisonment and 10 years imprisonment.

11.                It is humbly submitted that with above said criminal complaint based on false allegations, Petitioner/wife has put the life and liberty of Respondent as well as his family members at risk which includes his married sister, senior citizen mother aged 68 years, and even his distinct relatives. It is submitted that Respondent holds the responsibility to safeguard them as they are facing the false criminal cases just for being the relatives of Respondent. They are entangled in these cases just so that the Petitioner/wife can pressurize the Respondent to achieve her ulterior motives.

12.                It is submitted that the Petitioner/wife is separated from the Respondent since year xxx and after 4 years she has filed this divorce petition, just after when the charge sheet in above said criminal case has been filed. This petition for divorce is filed with the ulterior motive that Respondent will need to disclose his defense and evidences in this civil case before it can be used in criminal case. The manipulative tendency of the Petitioner/wife cannot be ignored which is visible from all the false complaints filled by her, and based on the defense disclosed here, Petitioner can resort to manipulative tactics in the criminal case, hence risking the life and liberty of Respondent as well his senior citizen mother and other relatives.

13.                In order to safeguard his family in criminal cases, Respondent is not in a position to revel all information, evidences and defense in this civil case and without that information Respondent cannot file full and correct reply making his reply infructuous, hence frustrating the whole purpose of filing the reply.   

14.                Over a period of time Respondent has gathered relevant and important evidentiary material against the Petitioner, which she is particularly interested to know before her evidence in above said criminal case and this divorce petition at this specific time is a tactic of Petitioner to force the Respondent to submit his written statement and hence disclosing all evidences. It is humbly submitted that the Respondent cannot be forced to disclose them by way of written statement in this petition thereby jeopardizing his defense in criminal case against him and his family members

15.                This is to submit that, the Defendant / Husband has the right to safeguard his defense, due to being accused in a criminal case. This right can be reserved only if this Hon’ble court gives time to the Respondent / Husband to respond in the present case of divorce till the time the defense of the Respondent / Husband is not submitted in the above said criminal case.



It is therefore most respectfully prayed that in view of the above facts and special circumstances of the case, there is a humble prayer from this Hon’ble court, till the time in Criminal trial u/s 498A/406/34/377/307/313 witness / evidence of the applicant is not completed, till than for justice, the proceedings in the present case of Divorce should be postponed and the respondent should be given time to present the answer.


   Any other or further order/relief which this Hon’ble Court deems fit, proper and expedite may also be granted to the applicant/accused and against the complainant.




DATE: xx/xx/20xx


ऐसी बहुत अच्छी सम्भावना है, न्यायलय आपके इस आवेदन को खारिज करेगा या आपको हताश करने की कोशिश करेंगे , ऐसे में घबराये नहीं। असल में कानूनन हाई कोर्ट के पास ताकत होती है निचले कोर्ट की कार्यवाही को रोकने की , आपको उच्च न्यायालय से सफलता कुछ हद तक निश्चित रूप से मिलेगी।  हाई कोर्ट की आवेदन कॉपी के लिए मुझे संपर्क कमेंट बॉक्स में कमेंट डालकर कर सकते है , एप्लीकेशन व् रिटेन आर्गुमेंट निशुल्क ईमेल द्वारा आपको भिजवा दिए जायेंगे। 


Note: This is a work of satire and does not reflect the correct legal position. The observations attributed to the sessions court are, however, accurate and have been taken from the judgment.

#StopAbuseMen a movement intends to work for Men's welfare and strongly believe in replacing the word Men/Women by Person and Husband/Wife by Spouse in any Government law or policy. #MenToo are Human, they also have Constitutional Right to Live & Liberty with Dignity (#Article21 ) . #Unfairlaw or Policy can not bring Fairness in any Society, it only kills fairness in Justice System and harmony in Society. #SpeakUpMan. Help Line for abused/distressed Men ( SIF - One): +91-8882498498



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