340 CrPc Application Format

340 CrPc Application Format 

महिलाओं के पक्ष में बनाए हुए कानूनों का दुरुपयोग कई दशकों से देखने में आ रहा  हैं  । ये देखने में भी आया है  कि, सरकार व सरकारी तंत्र इनके खिलाफ कोई भी सख्ती से कार्रवाई नहीं करते है । जिसके नतीजन #FakeCases निरंतर बढ़ते जा रहे हैं । महिलाएं व उनका परिवार झूठे मुकदमों की धमकियां देते हैं । जिसके डर से पुरुष आत्महत्या करने के लिए विवश हो जाते हैं । महिलाओं द्वारा पुरुषो पर की जा रही #DomesticViolenceOnMen को महिलावादी न्यायप्रणाली व कानून बनाने वाले मंत्री कई दशकों से नजरअंदाज करते आ रहे हैं । आत्महत्या करने वाले पुरुषों की संख्या निरंतर बढ़ती जा रही है । यह बहुत जरूरी है सरकारें यह समझे कि 

   ' मर्द को भी दर्द होता है '

इस ब्लॉग के द्वारा हम पुरुषों को यह बतलाना चाहते हैं , कि वह घबराए ना और इन झूठे मुकदमों से लड़े उसके आगे घुटने ना टेके , ना ही आत्महत्या करे ।

जैसा कि हमारे पिछले #CrPC340 ब्लॉग मैं यह बताने की कोशिश करी गई थी। किस प्रकार कब , कैसे , कहां CrPC 340 का प्रयोग कर सकते है । अगर आपने अभी तक उस ब्लॉग को नहीं पढ़ा है, आपसे निवेदन है  , इससे पहले नीचे  दिए  लिंक पर  जाकर कृपया पहले इसे पढ़ले । 

भाइयों सबसे जरूरी बात , हमने जो #CrPC340 का आवेदन नीचे दिया है , यह केवल उदहारण मात्र के लिए है । इसे आपको अपने मुक़दमे के अनुसार संपादित करना  हैं । 

यह बहुत जरूरी है समझना :- 
व्यक्ति से व्यक्ति , मुकदमे से मुकदमे , स्थिति से स्थिति सब व्यक्तियों  के मुक़दमे अलग होती है । 

किसी का भी आवेदन आप बगैर संपादित करें अपने मुकदमे में नहीं लगा सकते और बहुत जरूरी है हर कानूनी अंक को बारीकी से समझना उसके अनुसार अपने आवेदन को संपादित करना । यह नीचे दिया हुआ उदाहरण केवल आपका मार्गदर्शन करने के लिए है । आपसे हम आग्रह करेंगे इसके लिए कानूनी सलाह / सहायता अवश्य ले, मगर हार ना माने ।

हमने कुछ महत्वपूर्ण अंगों को पीले रंग से अंकित किया है , जिसे आपको अपने  मुकदमे की स्थिति के अनुसार व विपक्षी ने क्या झूठ बोला है या झूठे प्रमाण्ड़ दिए है इत्यादी के अनुसार  संपादित करना है ।


APPLICATION NO.   xxx            OF 20xx


xxxxx Knife Name xxx                                                     …PETITIONER


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                                   …RESPONDENT

Application on behalf of the Respondent Husband under Section 340 read with Section 195 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 for making an inquiry into the offence committed by the Petitioner Wife Mrs xxxxxxxxxxx
1 to 5
Affidavit of Section 65 of Evidence Act.
Annexure - “A”
DVD contented video clip dated xx-xx-20xx and xx-xx-xxxx showing Petitioner working as receptionist at xxxxxxx.

Annexure - “B”
TRANSCRIPT OF DVD contented video clip dated xx-xx-20xx TIME xx:xx PM Petitioner working as receptionist at xxxxxxx.
7 to 9
Annexure - “C”
TRANSCRIPT OF DVD contented video clip dated  xx-xx-20xx TIME xx:xx PM Petitioner working as receptionist at  xxxxxxx..
10 to  12

             IN  THECOURT OF Mrs. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , PRINCIPAL JUDGE, FAMILY COURT, xxxxxxxxx COURT , DELHI

APPLICATION NO.   xxx            OF 2018


xxxxx Knife Name xxx                                                     …PETITIONER


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                                   …RESPONDENT


Application on behalf of the Respondent U/s 340 read with Section 195 of the Cr.P.C. 1973  against  Petitioner


The Respondent above named most respectfully submits as hereunder:

In order to sustain and maintain sanctity and solemnity of the proceedings in law courts it is necessary that parties should not make false or knowingly, misleading, inaccurate statements or misrepresentation and/or should not conceal material facts with a design to gain advantage or benefit at the hands of the court, when a court is considered as a place where truth and justice are the solemn pursuits. If any party attempts to pollute such a place by adopting recourse to make misrepresentation, misleading and is concealing material facts it does so at its risk and cost. It also stated that a litigant, who attempts to pollute the stream of justice or who touches the pure fountain of justice with tainted hands, is not entitled to any relief, interim or final.
  1.     The nature of Misc. Application: The Respondent Husband is taking out this Perjury / Misc. Application u/s 340 r/w S.195 of CrPC, 1973, against Petitioner Wife. The Respondent Husband submits that Petitioner Wife , in the aforesaid proceedings, has

    (a) It is submitted that the Petitioner Wife has intentionally made false statement (orally or in written) in evidence to prove the fact that _________, which is an offence u/s 191 of IPC, 1860

    (b) It is submitted that the Petitioner Wife has fabricated / made a document containing the false statement or has made a false entry in the ______ (any book or record ); or has created a fake /(non existent) circumstances and thereby has given in evidence the said document containing the false statement / false entry / given in evidence of fake/ nonexistent circumstances, to prove the fact that _________, which is an offence u/s 192 of IPC, 1860

    (c) It is submitted that the Petitioner Wife has knowingly used false evidence, as genuine evidence, which is an offence u/s 196 of IPC, 1860. (It would include such cases where the person although is not involved in fabricating false documents, yet tender those false documents in evidence knowing well that the said documents are false

    (d) It is submitted that the Petitioner Wife has knowingly issued or signed a false certificate which were used in evidence, which is an offence u/s 197 of IPC, 1860 

    (e) It is submitted that the Petitioner Wife has knowingly used a false certificate, as true certificate in evidence, which is an offence u/s 198 of IPC, 1860

    (f) It is submitted that the Petitioner Wife has intentionally made a false statement in one’s pleadings, as to the point which was very material to the facts of the case / issues which were agitated before the Court, which is an offence u/s 199 of IPC, 1860. [(2014) 9 SCC 230]. 

    (g) It is submitted that the Petitioner Wife has knowingly used pleadings containing the false statement, as true, which is an offence u/s 200 of IPC, 1860. ( It would include such cases where the person although doesn’t himself make false pleadings, yet uses those false pleadings knowing well that the said pleadings are false)

    (h) It is submitted that the Petitioner Wife has altered / tempered the documents which were there in the custody of the Court, which is an offence u/ss 463, 471, 475, 476 r/w Section 195(b)(ii) of CrPC, 1973.

    2.   Very brief history of the Proceeding in which the false evidence / statement / forgery has been committed: 

    The petitioner wife has filed the present case before this Hon’ble Court for grant of interim maintenance under CrPc Section 125
    Section 23 of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 against the respondent husband.
    As the case may be  

    3.   The Order (operative part only) which was passed in the aforesaid Proceeding: 

    The Respondent Husband submits that the Hon’ble Court allowed / dismissed/ set aside the order dated xx/xx/xxxx  aforesaid ________
    4.   It is further submitted that the Petitioner wife has deliberately made false , misleading statements / misrepresentation and suppressed above mentioned fact with ulterior motive / intention to extort the ransom in form of money from the Respondent husband at the hands of this Hon’ble Court . Respondent Husband submits that the Respondent Husband has in their possession information / documents / evidence which overwhelmingly establish that Petitioner wife , with intent to deceive and mislead the Courts, initiated proceedings without full disclosure of facts and came to the courts with unclean hands. The Petitioner/wife with obtained the ad-interim order from this Hon’ble Court by twisting and hiding the true facts and has also made many false statements before this Hon’ble Court. The Respondent Husband further submits that although some of the documents relied upon in this Application were before this Hon’ble Court at the time of passing of Order , the real effect of all those documents could be appreciated in the presence of all other documents which are relied upon herein. 

    5.   The reason for initiating this Application: 
    The Respondent Husband submits that, had the true state of affairs being known to the Hon’ble Court, the Hon’ble Court must have granted reliefs to the Respondent Husband/ dismissed the case of the Petitioner wife / the Hon’ble Court in fact recorded the adverse findings as to evidence led / relied upon statements which were made relied upon certificate issued / signed / relied upon. In this backdrop, the Respondent Husband is filing this Misc. Application, praying the Hon’ble Court to exercise their powers u/s 340 r/w S.195 of CrPC, 1973.

    6.      Exact particulars as to –
    a)     False statement (orally or in written) in evidence
    b)     Fabricated document containing the false statement;
    c)     False entry in the ______ (any book or record);
    d)     Fake /(non existent) circumstances
    e)     Used false evidence, as genuine evidence
    f)      Issued or signed a false certificate
    g)     Used a false certificate, as true certificate
    h)     False statement in one’s pleadings
    i)      Used false statements in pleadings
    j)      Altered / tempered the documents which were there in the custody of the Court

    7.  The Respondent Husband spells out the ingredients of the offence of

    (1) False statement (orally or in written) in evidence (S.191);
    (2) Fabricated document containing the false statement (S.192);
    (3) False entry in the ______ (any book or record) (S.192);
    (4) Fake /(non existent) circumstances (S.192);
    (5) Used false evidence, as genuine evidence (S.196);
    (6) Issued or signed a false certificate (S.197);
    (7) Used a false certificate, as true certificate (S.198);
    (8) False statement in one’s pleadings (S.199);
    (9) Used false statements in pleadings (S.200);
    (10) Altered / tempered the documents which were there in the custody of the Court offence Sections 463, 471, 475, 476 of IPC, 1860, r/w Section 195(b)(ii) of CrPC, 1973. (as may be applicable to the facts of the instant case) ; and further spells out that facts of the present case, in the tabular form herein below, which will demonstrate the commission of the offence by the Respondent.

    8.   Inquiry into the offence:
     The Respondent Husband submits that all submissions made herein are supported by documentary evidence  and makes out a prima facie case, for the purpose of inquiry into an offence alleged of and it is expedient in the interests of justice that an inquiry should be made into the alleged offence.

    9. Limitation: 
    The Respondent Husband states that offences committed u/s  191 to 200 are deemed as giving of false evidence, which is set out in section 193 of IPC, 1860, and whereas the punishment for giving false evidence may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine, the law of limitation does not apply; and therefore the present Application is not time barred.

    10. Jurisdiction of the Hon’ble Court: 
    The Respondent Husband submits that since false evidence / statements / pleadings / etc. were made in proceedings before this Hon’ble Court / and in view of bar contained u/s 195 of CrPC, 1973, this Court alone has the jurisdiction to entertain the present Application and pass appropriate Orders in this behalf.

    11. Reliefs Prayed: 

    The Respondent Husband therefore most humbly prays –
    a)  The Hon’ble Court be pleased to initiate Inquiry into the allegations made against Petition Wife herein

    b)  The Hon’ble Court in due exercise of powers contained in Section 340 r/w 195 of CrPC, 1973, be caused to make a complaint in writing  and caused to send it to a Magistrate of the first class having jurisdiction, against the Respondent No.1 herein;
    c)  In the alternative of Clause (b) above, the Hon’ble Court may pleased to make Reference before the Hon’ble ______ High Court to initiate Contempt proceedings against the Petition Wife herein.
    d)  Any other and such further relief as the circumstances deem fit and proper be granted.


    I, _________ the Applicant / Respondent Husband do hereby solemnly verify that the contents of my above Application are true and correct to my knowledge, no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed therein.
    (Solemnly affirmed at _________)
    This       day of           20           
    Applicant / Respondent Husband
Date: XX-XX-20XX                                                                   


APPLICATION NO.               OF 2018


xxxxx Knife Name xxx                                                     …PETITIONER


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                                   …RESPONDENT

I ABC S/o DEF  aged about 33 yrs R/o  ABC , Delhi, do hereby state on solemn affirmation as follows:

1.    That I am the Respondent Husbnad in the matter and therefore competent to depose the present affidavit.

2.   That the present application has been drafted by my Self / counsel upon my instructions and I have read and understood the same, the contents thereof are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and may be read as part of the present affidavit and the same are not being repeated herein for the sake of brevity and.

Verified at New Delhi on    this    day of    that the contents of the above are true and correct and noting material has been concealed therefrom



                                                                                                          Dated: xx/xx/20xx
It is certified that the video clips contained in C.D. annexed herewith downloaded from memory card by connecting with my computer and through the same the C.D. annexed herewith prepared. I prepared the same and its contents are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Further certified that conditions as laid down u/s 65 B clause 2 (a), 65 (B) (2) (d) of the Indian Evidence Act 1872 regarding the admissibility of the computer/ memory card in relation to the information of the computer/ memory card are fully satisfied in all aspects. That the said clips download through memory card as same was saved by me inmy computer which has been using by me regularly. I have full and singular control over my computer and the same has been operating properly in good order and nothing has affected the electronic record and/or the accuracy of records store in my computer.

New Delhi

https://www.saveindianfamily.in/ ,  http://www.menwelfare.in/ 


#StopAbuseMen a movement intends to work for Men's welfare and strongly believe in replacing the word Men/Women by Person and Husband/Wife by Spouse in any Government law or policy. #MenToo are Human, they also have Constitutional Right to Live & Liberty with Dignity (#Article21 ) . #Unfairlaw or Policy can not bring Fairness in any Society, it only kills fairness in Justice System and harmony in Society. #SpeakUpMan. Help Line for abused/distressed Men ( SIF - One): +91-8882498498


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